After months and months of stress and anxiety, I have finally submitted my complete nursing application! I really can’t believe it! I feel like there is something else I should be working on, but I guess I just have to play the waiting game with prayers upon prayers. I think waiting is going to be the hardest thing to do, because now the situation is out of my hands. I really have done everything I could up to this point to make my application stand out and hopefully be accepted. I have been very optimistic during this whole process, but I’m also afraid I’m going to get let down. I’m not ready to hear the answer “No” to everything I have been dreaming about. The thing that scares me the most is the fact that I am the youngest applicant. ever. But that also means I have so much room to grow if I don’t get accepted.
The past week I have just been finalizing every detail I could, mostly with my statement of intent. That was the most difficult. After many avid editors and a lot of revising, I think it expressed exactly what I wanted to get across. I have doubted myself a tad, wondering if it’s what the program is looking for, but again, that’s just me freaking out. I just want everything to be perfect.
When I turned in my last few items for my application I felt such an array of emotions . A rush of emotions came over me, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I knew I was going to be excited to have it completed, but I didn’t think I would have an uncontrollable feeling of worry and nervousness. But overall, I am just so darn happy it’s done!!!
Statement of Intent: Concordia University
I have been called into faith and ministry through the vocation of nursing, with opportunities to carry out my passion in hospitals, medical offices and care in developing countries. It is my responsibility to provide the living work of God through my gifts, talents and abilities to serve in the nursing field. The Accelerated BSN program at Concordia will help me achieve my professional vocational goal, and also my long-term goal of continued service and leadership.
With a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, I would like to help infants or children by working in a hospital setting. My first interest in nursing spawned from the stories I was told about how I entered the world as a preterm baby. While I spent time in intensive care, my aunt who is a registered nurse helped care for me in my time of weakness. I want nothing more than to give small children the gift of life that I was given as a baby. I spent this past summer of 2010 living with my aunt and preparing for nursing school. I volunteered in the emergency department at Emanuel Hospital in Turlock, California. This eye-opening experience taught me how to keep up and excel in a fast paced environment, as well as how to work alongside a dynamic group of professional doctors, nurses and patients. While observing the ER department, I saw that the use of integrated information is crucial for that type of department. My responsibilities were to assist as needed. I tended to patients, while providing encouraging conversation and a listening ear.
I also recently assisted as a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) in Orange, California. Being at CHOC reinforced my passion for helping children who are terminally ill. I enjoyed spending time doing crafts with the children, and would like to return there for possible employment in the future.
Using my nursing skills and knowledge to help others is my long-term goal. I would like to do mission work with organizations like Samaritan’s Purse or Lutheran World Relief to use nursing as a mission and witness to others. During my past 4 years at Concordia University as an undergrad student, I have strongly developed my passion for nursing and ministry while working towards a Bachelor of Arts in Biology. Not only have I gained the academic knowledge required, but have also learned the importance of problem solving, teaching others and working as a team. All of these skills link together to fully provide the proper care for a patient in need.
Nursing is a ministry that allows me to witness to God’s love by providing dependable, quality health care. To continue my study at a Christian liberal arts school would allow me to incorporate my faith in my vocation of nursing. Concordia’s academic nursing program will give me the training I need to meet my vocational goal and my goal to offer volunteer services and leadership to others. Concordia University is my first nursing school of choice. I look forward to continuing my nursing education in a small, Christian college environment that is guided by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and the Lutheran confessions.