Monday, December 17, 2012

Finding Peace

This fall semester is finally over! I'm getting closer to graduation each day and really trying to keep my head held high as I have two more semesters to go.

If I've learned anything from repeating this semester it is how much I love nursing and being in the hospital. The extra experience I gained this semester is something I wouldn't take back. It's still really hard to admit, but I am finally able to say that I am glad I had to retake the class. It was a blessing in disguise and I can see that God knew exactly what He was doing.

Not only has He given me a higher passion for nursing, but he has provided me with wonderful friends in my new cohort. They have been extremely supportive through this semester and I have really grown close to them during our clinical hours.

Last day of clinical with these amazing girls!    

This semester I got to experience some clinical hours in the OR, ER and ICU. I love working in other areas, because it allows me to get closer to my ultimate goal of deciding which area I would like to work in. Here are the conclusions I came to...

ER: Not for me. Too fast paced.
ICU: Pretty intense. Something to work toward for Peds
OR: So freaking cool! Not as much patient care as I would like.

My first day in the OR. Saw some pretty amazing stuff!

I also got to put in my first IV with many after that. So now I am so ready for next semester! I start January 6th with rotations in the ICU and psych. But for now, I have a 3 week blissful break where I am going to catch up grey's anatomy and wait patiently for the 17th season of The Bachelor! Eeeek!