Thursday, June 16, 2011


I received some news today that I was invited for an interview for Concordia's nursing program! They first told me over the phone that interviews would be held in the middle of July. So as the planner I am, I planned my summer around this interview, waiting and anticipating until I heard the news. The email stated that my interview would be on Thursday June 23. I had to read that over several times, thinking they must have got the wrong month! But no, the interview is in one week.

I am slowly getting excited about it, but I first had a slight panic attack. I am so busy this next week with Sara's wedding and work and I just freaked myself out. But I got a few days off of work and heading back down to socal on Wednesday. For my moral support, Jeff is coming down there with me to keep me calm and collect. No nervous break downs should happen, but he's there if I need him :) I don't feel mentally prepared quite yet, but hopefully with some good preparation and prayer I will feel ready. 

This goes to show that only God knows my plans and he has his arms wrapped around me as tight as can be. I plan yet another thing and he guides me in a different direction. Who knows what will happen next. I am really thankful for this opportunity that is came at the right time...God's time.