Saturday, December 31, 2011


One of my favorite things to do on New Year's Eve is to reminisce of all the things that happened in the past year. An entire year can pass in a blink of an eye, so I think it's important to be reminded of all God's blessings or the challenges he's helped you overcome. Even though sometimes a year can feel like it's speeding by, mine felt like it was an eternity. But I was okay with that because I had a great year! I had so many things on my "to-do" for 2011 and I almost accomplished all of them. I must say 2011 was definitely my year!

The year always starts out great because I get to celebrate my birthday! But also, I got to celebrate a 2 year anniversary with my best friend. This year would have been a complete struggle without Jeffrey by my side. I am so thankful to have him in my life and he has helped make this year a great one.

As most of you know, elephants are my greatest passion in life. I think God put them on this earth just for me :) So naturally, I've always wanted to ride an elephant! Last year I felt like everyone I knew was traveling overseas and showing me all the pictures of elephants they got to see (or ride). Sadly, I was more depressed than excited for them. But this year was my year to ride my very first elephant! And her name was Dixie. In April, I was taken on a surprise trip by Jeffrey to the Santa Ana Zoo, where they give (secret) elephant rides. I say "scecret" because I have been trying for years to find a place that allows elephant rides and have found nothing. But Jeffrey wanted to bring a smile to my face, and planned this most unexpected surprise. Not only did me make me smile, but he brought tears to my eyes. So I got to ride Dixie the elephant. She was perfect. I think it was love at first sight. My next goal, now, is to feed an elephant!

This year was also filled with my greatest accomplishment. Graduation! I am still in disbelief that I graduated from college. Those four years were a huge struggle filled with sleepless nights. Gradation was so wonderful spending time with everyone I love and hold dear to my heart.

Another thing on my to-do list was to go to a Rascal Flatts concert. This has been a long awaited event, but in Septermber Amy and I both went to our first rascies concert. I'm so glad I could spend that time with my sister because I miss her so much, and we had the best time. And the concert was beyond amazing. I can't wait to see them again. Yes, now I'm getting greedy.

Here are some other events that happened this year: first time in Las Vegas, spending time in Modesto, taking an art class with my grandma, running my 3rd half marathon.

I've really been focusing on the good things that have happened this year. I'm not saying it didn't have it's downs, because it did...a lot of them. But sometimes you really have to focus on what is good to over come the bad. One of the bad things was my cousin passing away in april. It was a very emotional time on my family and God has shown me that He is holding my precious life in his hands. With all of the hardships, God is telling me He is in control.

Of course, I haven't forgotten about getting accepted into nursing school! That was also a difficult time this year when I first heard I was not accepted into the program, but as you can see God knew exactly what He was doing. I cannot wait for school to start and start fresh. It's time to begin a new year. God is amazing!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


And so it begins...the start of my nursing nightmares. I had my first nightmare last night, where a series of unfortunate events occurred. I think trying to explain a dream to someone is one of the hardest things to do, but I'll try my best.

I woke up the morning of my first day of nursing school, to look at the clock and see that class started two hours ago. I was in a rush to get over there and was mortified I overslept. So I grabbed my books (which happened to be the wrong ones) and hopped on the bus. The entire bus ride I was in panic mode trying to figure out how I was going to walk into class unnoticed. When I got on campus I walked into a dark classroom, where the professor was giving a powerpoint presentaiton. I took a seat to find that Jeffrey was sitting right next to me. I looked at him and he kept whispering and asking me why I was so late. He wanted to surprise me on my first day, but I was actually embarrassed by the gesture. As I'm trying to explain to Jeff what happened, the professor asks me a question about the lecture and I just had a blank stare with nothing to say. It was awful. After the lecture everyone was handed what looked like a child's play toy (it was one of those yellow boxes with the shape cut outs). We had to push through all the shapes in under a minute and I, of course, couldn't do it. I don't know what that means, but I felt like an idiot.

That was my dream. I'm going to try everything in my power that those events don't happen. I usually have freak out dreams every time I'm nervous about something, so I don't think this is the end of my nightmares.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Jeffrey's in Tucson!

I'm home!!! And I can't believe I'm actually calling it home!

This past week I spent Thanksgiving with the family, minus Amy and Joel. But we did add Jeffrey to the mix. He took time away from his family to spend Thanksgiving with me and mine. The time spent we spent is what will always be our first Thanksgiving together. It's really one of the first holiday's we've spent together, and I was mostly thankful for the quality time we could spend with each other.

I, unfortunately, was getting over a cold, so the week was primarily filled with relaxing. We managed to fit a few fun events though. We really don't have any family traditions for Thanksgiving, but relaxing is what everyone needed anyway. We had a great Thanksgiving day meal, set up the [fake] Christmas tree, went black friday shopping and went on a good ol' Arizona hike.

Black Friday shopping was an event. Jeff had never been black friday shopping, so we decided to venture out. We decided to head over to Kohl's, with nothing in particular in mind. Bad idea! The store was nuts. We showed up a little after 12 am, and justed walked around the store. After about 15 minutes we left empty handed. This was no time for shopping, but our night didn't end there. We stopped by Target to meet up with my dad who had been doing shopping himself. We finally made it home around 2 am. I guess it was better than getting up at 4 am to shop.

But lets focus on nursing....

Concordia has been a little slow with further information, and leaving everyone on their toes. But this past friday I finally signed up for my classes! My schedule doesn't look too bad with 17 units. I have lectures on Monday, Thursday and Fridays, labs on Tuesdays, and clinicals on Wednesdays. What a week! At least I have my weekends free for whatever may come.

Even though relaxing has played a major role in my past weeks at home, relaxing is no longer an option. I'm currently in the process of ordering my books. Eleven to be exact. And reading and homework assignments to follow. Packing will also be squeezed in there somewhere. Oh boy.