Monday, December 17, 2012

Finding Peace

This fall semester is finally over! I'm getting closer to graduation each day and really trying to keep my head held high as I have two more semesters to go.

If I've learned anything from repeating this semester it is how much I love nursing and being in the hospital. The extra experience I gained this semester is something I wouldn't take back. It's still really hard to admit, but I am finally able to say that I am glad I had to retake the class. It was a blessing in disguise and I can see that God knew exactly what He was doing.

Not only has He given me a higher passion for nursing, but he has provided me with wonderful friends in my new cohort. They have been extremely supportive through this semester and I have really grown close to them during our clinical hours.

Last day of clinical with these amazing girls!    

This semester I got to experience some clinical hours in the OR, ER and ICU. I love working in other areas, because it allows me to get closer to my ultimate goal of deciding which area I would like to work in. Here are the conclusions I came to...

ER: Not for me. Too fast paced.
ICU: Pretty intense. Something to work toward for Peds
OR: So freaking cool! Not as much patient care as I would like.

My first day in the OR. Saw some pretty amazing stuff!

I also got to put in my first IV with many after that. So now I am so ready for next semester! I start January 6th with rotations in the ICU and psych. But for now, I have a 3 week blissful break where I am going to catch up grey's anatomy and wait patiently for the 17th season of The Bachelor! Eeeek!


  1. Hi Katie,

    I randomly stumbled upon your blog via pinterest. I was just thinking about you and your nursing program lately. I'm sorry to hear about the set back, but I'm so glad that you are doing well now. Enjoy your break from school, and have a merry Christmas with your family!

    Cassie Karambela

  2. Thank you so much! I'd love to see you again soon! Hope school is going well!

  3. Glad to hear you are happy. :] That puts a smile on my face! Enjoy your break and hopefully we can catch up soon.
