Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: The Year of Today

I am super excited for 2011. There will be a lot of changes but I’m ready to take on everything that comes at me. I really want to keep my head held high because there are lot of scary things that can happen this year. Graduation, nursing school, moving away from home, but I’m ready for it all. This year my new years resolution is to live in every moment. There are so many weeks I wish would end, and I just want to love my life and every single moment in it. In the blink of an eye my college life is going to be over, and I want so badly to enjoy every second of every day…while still working hard : ) So far, I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job.
As for my nursing application, I have been trying to get as much done as I can because the deadline is coming up quickly. My checklist is getting smaller, which makes me see the light at the end of a tunnel. The last major thing I have to finish is my letter of intent. For some reason I am having such a difficult time sitting down and actually writing it. I thought this was going to be the easiest part!!! I have jotted down a few ideas and notes, but as for writing it, I am having major writers block. Everything seems so good in my head, but down on paper it sounds so redundant and lame. I really just need to focus on my real goals and passion and I believe everything will write itself out. crossing my fingers.

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